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weird network behavior - SID upgrade's fault?

Hi all,

ping to localhost and hostname works. 
No ping is possible between the virtual VMware Windows machine and the SID
box either way, Samba not working either. 
The ping to the firewall box is not functioning either but it can be
adressed from a Woody stable box. /etc/hosts and resolv.config are unchanged but I
earlier I could download mail on and off from my pop accounts, the browser
however gives me timeouts. All firewalling is turned off.

I am sending this with my webmail account from the virtual Windows box on
VMware through the non-pingable, partially defective networking setup of the
SID box! The connection to the VMware virtual machine through the SID box is
fast as usual. 

Which package(s) of yesterday's upgrade could have fouled up my TCP/IP?
netbase is dependent on debconfig and debconfig-utils that share a config file
that blocked installation. I did dpkg --force-overwrite of both packages,
proceeded as usual with apt-get dist-upgrade and had no difficulties until today.
First Samba stopped working, then mail got unreliable and browsing and then I
found out about the dead pings.

One more clue perhaps: the VMware machine had a wrong IP number which worked
anyway on the Samba subnet. I corrected it to have it match the entry in
/etc/hosts - but it couldn't be that despite a reboot of all machines a cached
mismatch of 192.168.1.x and y spoils the joy?

Any help appreciated -

Andreas v. Heydwolff

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