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Re: Yet another HDIO_SET_DMA failed problem

On Mon, 11 Aug 2003 14:50:27 -0400 (EDT)
Timothy McDaniel <tmcd@panix.com> wrote:

> > jkoenig@note:/boot$ grep -i ali config-2.4.21 
> > # CONFIG_BLK_DEV_ALI15X3 is not set
> > ^Thats probably the one you want
> > 
> > # CONFIG_WDC_ALI15X3 is not set
> > ^Maybe that one too
> I think that one of those is the alim15x3 module, and as I mentioned,
> that slows down disk by a factor of 4.  I will look, though.

Did you try diff'ing the Knoppix config file, and grepping that to see
what it might be?

> > Do not edit your .config file (in /usr/src/[linux<version>,
> > kernel-source-<version>) by hand.
> May I ask why not, if (for example) it's just one item to change from
> not set to Y?

Dependencies. Ever use menuconfig? You'll notice it takes a couple
seconds when you say "save and exit." At least thats what I think. I
could be very wrong.
> But I'll try to find the items in "menu xconfig" and try to set them
> that way.  One annoying thing: if I find an interesting setting in
> .config, I find it hard to tell where it can be set in "menu xconfig".

They are in order, look for context.
-johann koenig
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