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Re: How should we handle people who can not unsubscribe?

* Manoj Srivastava (srivasta@debian.org) [030330 04:07]:
> >> On Sat, 29 Mar 2003 12:55:53 -0500,
> >> Hall Stevenson <hallstevenson@mindspring.com> said: 
>  > * Manoj Srivastava (srivasta@debian.org) [030329 01:15]:
>  >> >> On Fri, 28 Mar 2003 21:55:55 -0500, Hall Stevenson
>  >> Are you volunteering to help them out by monitoring the mailing
>  >> list?
>  > I would think as much as it obviously annoys people, there'd be
>  > hundreds of volunteers. So, count me in too. Can you give that
>  > power anyway ??
> 	What power? Helping the list masters could be things like
>  contacting people who send unsubscribe messages to the list;
>  trying to help people unbsubscribe, helping them discover what
>  address they were subscribed with, and then taking the triaged list
>  and bringing the lower volume to the attention of the list masters.

Many people who get in this situation obviously ignore any "help" that
others may offer. People were cc'ing the last "F*CK F*CK F*CK..." guy
directly and how long did it take ?? Needless to say, failed unsubscribe
attempts seem to generate the MOST traffic on this list ?? Isn't that
wonderful ??

> 	No super powers required.
>  >> > Why not ask for a volunteer or two to handle *just this list* ??
>  >> > Even give this person limited powers, as in only being able to
>  >> > unsubscribe a user vs "full" power ??
>  >> 
>  >> Being able to unsubscribe other users is pretty much full power.
>  > I know nothing about list software, so if that's the case, I guess
>  > one would have to be quite trusting to give that power.
> 	Precisely, and that is unlikely to happen.

And you're being the smart-ass by asking if someone like me who merely
suggests something (that you don't like) is "volunteering" for this
task. When I do volunteer, then you (are you someone important at
Debian, by the way) shoot down the offer.


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