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Re: testing migration

On Wed, Mar 12, 2003 at 03:09:44PM -0500, Hall Stevenson wrote:
> At 07:47 PM 3/12/2003 +0000, Richard Kimber wrote:
> >I've upgraded, and only noticed two things.
> >
> >1) My xinetd.conf file was overwritten without asking me, which I don't
> >feel is right, and
> I *believe* you can configure debconf to NOT overwrite existing config 
> files, automatically overwrite them, or prompt you before doing so. With 
> either of the last two options, it will still create a backup of your old 
> file.

debconf is not responsible for configuration file handling. Some
individual packages use debconf to ask how they should handle
configuration files, but no, you cannot in general configure debconf in
this way because it's not its job.

Any package that overwrites a configuration file without asking you has
a serious bug. I see Richard's reported a bug already.


Colin Watson                                  [cjwatson@flatline.org.uk]

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