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Problems with dpkg-reconfigure passwd

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I'm running on a Sarge laptop.
The default length of my passwords is 8 characters, well I'want more.
So here' what I do:

corky:~# dpkg-reconfigure passwd 
Password setup
- --------------

Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to
view even encrypted passwords. Passwordsare stored in a separate file that
can only be read by special programs. We recommend the use of shadow
passwords. However, if you're going to use NIS you could run into trouble.

:-) Shall I enable shadow passwords? yes


And thats it no length question, then:

corky:~# dpkg-reconfigure debconf
Configuring debconf
- -------------------

Packages that use debconf for configuration share a common look and feel.
You can select the type of user interface they use.

The dialog frontend is a full-screen, character based interface, while the
readline frontend uses a more traditional plain text interface, and the
gnome frontend is a modern X interface. The editor frontend lets you
configure things using your favorite text editor. The noninteractive
frontend never asks you any questions.

  1. Dialog  2. Readline  3. Gnome  4. Editor  5. Noninteractive

:-) What interface should be used for configuring packages? 2

Debconf prioritizes the questions it asks you. Pick the lowest priority of
question you want to see:  - 'critical' only prompts you if the system
might break.    Pick it if you are a newbie, or in a hurry.  - 'high' is
for rather important questions  - 'medium' is for normal questions  - 'low'
is for control freaks who want to see everything

Note that no matter what level you pick here, you will be able to see every
question if you reconfigure a package with dpkg-reconfigure. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ <--- Uhh??
  1. critical  2. high  3. medium  4. low

:-) See only questions that are of what priority and higher? 4


If I run the dpkg-reconfigure passwd again, I get the same results as
Maybe I'm reconfiguring the wrong package? 
Maybe I don't understand the  priority thingy? 
Whats going on?

- -- 
Ing. Hugo S. Carrer
Laboratorio de Comunicaciones Digitales UNC
Tel./Fax: +54 351-4334147 Int.105
- ------
Gpg key: http://lcd.efn.uncor.edu/pubkeys/hsc_key.pgp


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