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Re: debian on my athlon?

On Wed, 24 Dec 2003 13:01:20 -0600
Forest Fisher <Forest.Fisher@oberlin.edu> wrote:

> I just got a new laptop for x-mas that runs on an AMD Athlon XP-M
> processor.  It's a new processor designed specifically to minimize
> energy use for laptops.  I was hoping to run Debian GNU/Linux on my
> laptop, but the official website indicates that the latest release is
> not built for the Athlon architecture.  Nonetheless, there are other
> webpages claiming to have "athlon builders."  I'm a newbie, and it's
> not clear to me what an "Athlon Builder" really is.  Does this mean
> that if I download the Athlon Builder I can run Debian on my system or
> is this processor simply not supported by Debian?  Finally, if Athlon
> processors aren't supported by Debian, does anyone know another
> GNU/Linux OS that I could run on my system.  Thanks a bunch,
> Forest
Hello Forest,

There's no problem with running Debian on an Athlon CPU. That's what I
and a lot of other people are doing, and no problems are being experienced.
The architecture in the documentation specifies Intel, but for newbies
like us, this can be misleading.

What I should seriously suggest you do is go here:-


and purchase Libranet 2.8.1 which is a stable mix of Debian stable and
sarge releases, for a trouble free introduction into the Debian realm
and go from there. It's what I have done, and I am convinced that until
the Debian installer project matures, that it is the path that all
Debian newbies are better off travelling. Libranet also now has onsite
forum facilities to help with any problems you may experience.

Also, if you would kindly adjust your word-wrap setting in your email
configuration settings to 72 characters, I am sure that other list users
would greatly appreciate it.
Merry Xmas.


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