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RE: IP to www

Hi Gruessle,

   step by step testing is easiest by using 'telnet ip-address port',
this even works with windows ;-)

  start from within your local net 'telnet webservers-internal-address
80'. You should at least get a 'Connected' message. This confirms your
web server is actually up. (Try testing to other known-to-work and 
known-to-not-work ports, you learn the different reactions) Now, if you
try the same to your external address (the one on the outside of your
router) with the port number you forward (ie. you forward port
outside:8000 to internal-web-servers-address:80) you should get the
same reaction if your forwarding is working ok. Trying the same from
work and the internet should tell you what works and what not.



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