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Re: start program at login

Incoming from John L. Fjellstad:
> Wayne Topa wrote:
> > Have you tried adding it to your .xinitrc?
> I tried. I forgot to mention that I'm logging in through kdm.  As far as I
> know, neither local .xsession nor .xinitrc is called during login.

Speaking of which, how does this work?  I've been trying to:

   xconsole -file /dev/xconsole -daemon -notify -exitOnFail &

I put it into my ~/.xsession, to no effect.  I've tried to tell Gnome
to manage it instead, to no effect.  The only way I can make it work
is "su -c ..."

Why do all these windowing environments insist on doing things
differently?  Shouldn't Debian's X startup stuff all just consult the
same damn startup files, instead of picking their own?  What do I work
with in Gnome?  .xsession, .xinitrc, .xserverrc, or something else?
What happens if I (well, it _could_ happen) login with kde instead?
Will kde know anything about the startup preference changes I've made?

What's the rationale behind this failure to communicate?  If this is
annoying to me (a long time user), what's it look like to a new user?

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