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gimp hangs on some fonts


I am experimenting with gimp(ver 1.2.3) in my Debian system running Sarge (kernel 2.4.22). I notice that when I select some of the fonts while in the Text tool, gimp hangs. On the command prompt, when I kill it, I get:
21:00:05{icons-art}> gimp&
[4] 4044
21:00:07{icons-art}> fg          <--- here where I kill it
/usr/lib/gimp/1.2/plug-ins/script-fu terminated: Interrupt
gimp terminated: Interrupt

This happens as soon as I click on some fonts in the text dialog I get when I select the Text tool and click on an image being edited to put some text on it. I think those fonts are the ones which are listed on gimp but are not in my system. Any idea how I can prevent this? I don't think this is an expected behavior.


(Remove all underscores,_if any_, from my email address to get the correct one. Apologies for the inconvenience, but this is to reduce spam.)

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