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Re: Xprint observations

R (Chandra) Chandrasekhar wrote:
Dear Jan,

I have an interesting footnote to add to your observations.

If you install mozilla-browser_1.5-3 and include mozilla-xft_1.5-3 from unstable, and in Mozilla, under Edit/Preferences/Appearance/Fonts, select the fonts serif, sans-serif and monospace, without foundry affiliation (probably from Xft?) you can see rather impressive anti-aliased fonts on-screen and also get good looking serif, sans-serif and monospace printout from Xprint under Mozilla.

However, if you change to any other fonts such as, for instance, verdana, the Xprint output will default to courier.

My suspicion is that the re-direction activated by the mozilla-xft package in some way (through the default preferences, or perhaps through GTK?) affects the ability of Xprint to locate all truetype anti-aliased fonts other than those called serif, sans-serif and monospace (from Xft?), even though these other fonts are obviously recognized by both Mozilla and the system.

I hope someone responsible and more knowledgeable in these matters will clean this up.

I am not the responsible and more knowledgeable one, but can add two more obscuring (to me) items:

I install mozilla's latest (e.g. 1.5 and 1.6a) from their source or cvs and then compile them with xft and gtk enabled. I admit that all I get with this over using sid mozilla-xft is the ability to change the boot splash, but in my search for xft this idea occurred to me first before searching for an xft enabled Debian package.

I do that also when I install Debian from scratch (i.e. 3.0r2 boot disks and then apt-get)

A curious thing will happen. At first the characters on Mozilla will look "terrible" (sorry about this extremely subjective term, meaning Xft appears enabled, but there is lost of courier-like very small text in the menus and toolbars). Then when I install *cupsys* and all its dependencies, all the fonts "straighten themselves out" and I end up with more fonts in the preferences, e.g. URW Bookman L, that I now use.

I think that is GTK? Because I can add .gtkrc in the ~home dir of where mozilla runs and affect yet more font changes. I attach the file.

That responsible and more knowledgeable one is needed ;-)

An addendum: I use a modified X 4.3.0 because of Backstreet Ruby mult-seat Debian and its xprt is broken and I have to apt-get the version from xprt.org. It's broken because nothing prints from Mozilla. I don't think it is the changes for Ruby because those do not affect printing, merely separation of video cards I/O. So it is wherever that version came from. ( http://www.schuldei.org/debian/bruby/ )



  07 Dec 03

Jan Willem Stumpel wrote:

Using sid, I installed mozilla-browser-snapshot and xprint.

1. Printing web pages is not 'wysiwig'; the default text (without
   font tags in the HTML) which is printed is not the same as it
   is on the screen. Mostly it is some kind of sans-serif font. R.
   Chandrasekhar mentioned the same problem a few months ago; in
   his case everything was printed in Courier.

2. Following R. Chandrasekhar, I downloaded Mozilla from
   mozilla.org and installed it in /usr/local. That version does
   print whatever text is on the screen completely 'wysiwig', by
   constructing Postscript files with lots of bitmaps. Often the
   bitmaps look awful when viewed in gv, but they look fine on
   paper. However, Mozilla from mozilla.org does not display
   anti-aliased fonts in the browser screen. R. Chandrasekhar
   mentioned this also.

3. By some tweaking (setting "font.FreeType2.enable" to "true" in
   /usr/local/mozilla/defaults/pref/unix.js), it is possible to
   get anti-aliased fonts also in the mozilla.org version. The
   anti-aliasing is much less beautiful than in Debian
   mozilla-snapshot, but anti-aliased it is. In the mozilla.org
   version, in preferences/appearance/fonts, the names of AA
   fonts start with a capital letter, the non-AA versions with
   a lowercase letter.

4. But if you select AA fonts for display in the mozilla.org
   version, xprint no longer prints 'wysiwig'. Just like in the
   Debian version.

So there seems to be some incompatibility between AA display and
'wysiwig' printing through xprint. This could be a fundamental
problem; if so, it would seriously limit the usefulness of xprint.
But I wonder if anyone has been able to set it up in such a way
as to have AA display and 'wysiwig' printing at the same time.

Regards, Jan

style "xeno_default" {
     font = "-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--17-120-100-100-p-88-iso8859-1"

     fg[NORMAL]      = "#000000"
     fg[PRELIGHT]    = "#000000"
     fg[ACTIVE]      = "#000000"
     fg[SELECTED]    = "#000000"
     fg[INSENSITIVE] = "#000000"

     bg[ACTIVE]      = "#eddcff"
     bg[NORMAL]      = "#eddcff"
     bg[PRELIGHT]    = "#eddcff"
     bg[SELECTED]    = "#eddcff"
     bg[INSENSITIVE] = "#eddcff"

     base[NORMAL]      = "#eddcff"
     base[PRELIGHT]    = "#eddcff"
     base[ACTIVE]      = "#eddcff"
     base[SELECTED]    = "#eddcff"
     base[INSENSITIVE] = "#eddcff"

     engine "xeno" {
         thin                    = true
         scrollbar_knob          = dimple
         scrollbar_width         = 12
         stepper_ends            = false
         stepper_arrows          = false
         stepper_box             = true
         shine                   = 1.5
         shade                   = 0.587
         handle_knob             = buds
         paned_knob              = lines

style "xeno_list" {
     base[ACTIVE]      = "#eddcff"

style "xeno_button" {
     bg[ACTIVE]      = "#eddcff"
     bg[NORMAL]      = "#eddcff"
     bg[PRELIGHT]    = "#eddcff"
     bg[SELECTED]    = "#eddcff"
     bg[INSENSITIVE] = "#eddcff"
     fg[INSENSITIVE] = "#000000"
     engine "xeno" {
         shade           = 0.6666667

style "xeno_tooltips" {
     bg[NORMAL]          = "#eddcff"
     fg[NORMAL]          = "#ffffff"

style "xeno_menu" {
     bg[PRELIGHT]    = "#eddcff"

style "xeno_range" = "xeno_button" {
     bg[ACTIVE]      = "#eddcff"

style "xeno_infobar" {
     bg[NORMAL]      = "#eddcff"

class "GtkWidget"               style "xeno_default"
class "GtkList"                 style "xeno_list"
class "GtkTree"                 style "xeno_list"
class "GtkCList"                style "xeno_list"
class "GtkCTree"                style "xeno_list"
class "GtkButton"               style "xeno_button"
class "GtkSpinButton"           style "xeno_button"
class "GtkRange"                style "xeno_range"
class "GtkProgress"             style "xeno_infobar"
class "GtkStatusbar"            style "xeno_infobar"
class "GtkMenuItem"             style "xeno_menu"
class "GtkMenu"                 style "xeno_menu"
widget "gtk-tooltips*"          style "xeno_tooltips"

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