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xscreensaver error: usage: xscreensaver-getimage [ -display host:dpy.screen ] [ -v ] window-id

I'm seeing several xscreensaver hacks, among them antspotlight and
gflux, which should either grab a screenshot or use an image from a
specified directory, display the following error:

    usage: xscreensaver-getimage [ -display host:dpy.screen ] [ -v ]

    This program puts an image of the desktop on the given window.
    It is used by those xscreensaver demos that operate on images.

(e.g.:  in ~/.xsession-errors or stdout when run from terminal).

No Google hits, strace doesn't help much.  Sounds like someone got their
args wrong.



Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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