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Re: aliasing internet addresses

scripsit Micha Feigin:
> I want to alias internet addresses localy, is it possible?  For
> example to alias www.site1.org -> www.site2.org such that trying to
> access www.site1.org would actually connect to www.site2.org.  I
> didn't see how to do this with /etc/hosts if it is even possible that
> way.  I have a personal cvs server that I can access from my local
> network or from the internet, and its not convinient to access it
> localy with the external address.

If I understand you correctly, this is easy.  I do something like that
for easy access to my home workstation from outside.  The home machine's
`real' name is something like ipW-X-Y-Z.ph.ph.cox.net (IP address
W.X.Y.Z).  My laptop contains, in /etc/hosts:

    W.X.Y.Z ipW-X-Y-Z.ph.ph.cox.net hostname

where `hostname' is the box's local hostname.  

You should be able to put in your /etc/hosts:

    A.B.C.D www.site2.org www.site1.org

where A.B.C.D is the site's IP address.  Then if you put www.site1.org
in your browser, you will actually get www.site2.org.

Pax vobiscum; pax cum omnibus.

Thanasis Kinias
tkinias at asu.edu
Doctoral Student, Department of History
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A.

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