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xterm title bars

Hey folks,

lists.debian.org seems to be down, so I couldn't search the list
archives properly; sorry if this has been discussed ad nauseum.

my .bashrc has the following code in it to set the title of xterms:

 # If this is an xterm set the title to user@host:dir 
    case $TERM in 
        PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0; ${USER}: ${PWD}\007"' 


I'd like to include other information in the xtitle as well, like,
for instance, basename of process running in the xterm -- and ideally,
more complicated stuff like the name of the buffer currently being
edited in a terminal-bound session of xemacs.  

ANyone know a way to handle this automatically?  I've come across
various scripts (usually in csh!) that cna be executed from the
command line, but no solutions that change the window title

Is there any hope?  


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