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Re: Woody kernel upgrade

James Hosken wrote:
> That's just what I needed, thanks.  I have followed your
> instructions and the kernel has installed OK and booted OK.  But I
> have lost the network.

If worse comes to worse you can boot LinuxOLD to get your network back
to be able to download new packages.  In particular you might have a
better initial experience with the kernel-image-2.4.18-bf2.4
installation.  That probably matches your previous version most
closely and has most of the drivers compiled into the kernel so that
they do not need to be selected as a module.

However the bf kernel it is a very generic kernel.  It is not
optimized for your hardware.  It also a big memory image.  Getting to
a tuned kernel is one of the normal things on my checklist for me.  So
I would give it a little bit more work.  But if you get too frustrated
then moving to the bf kernel will alleviate that so don't take this
too far down a bad path for you if all you really want to do is to get
the machine up with basic functionality.  Let me recommend a little
more banging around on the modules.  But if you don't get that going
then go ahead and fall back to using the bf kernel.

> I ran modconf and added the network drivers. But I don't know how to
> reconfigure the network for DHCP?

If you really did get the right drivers loaded then your network
should be okay.  Looking at my posting I did not say to restart the
network.  Maybe that is all that it needs?

  /etc/init.d/networking restart

If that does not bring the network online then things need more help.
We need to see the 'lspci' output to determine what hardware you
really have.  The "Ethernet controller:" line will report the vendor


Plus we need to see what ethernet modules you have loaded in
/etc/modules.  This should be the one that modconf put there when you
selected it.

[The next stable version of Debian is including a good hardware
discovery program.  So all of the above becomes automated very
quickly.  That will be nice.  In the meantime we just need to sprint
through this short final time without it.]

If you were configured for DHCP before the kernel upgrade then you are
still configured for DHCP after the kernel upgrade.  The kernel
upgrade does not in any way change the network configuration.  So that
is not your problem.  The configuration file which controls this is
/etc/network/interfaces and it will have lines like this:

  auto eth0
  iface eth0 inet dhcp

The 'dhcp' in the above is your dhcp configuration.  Another
configuration option is 'static' and then listing out your static
parameters after that.  But using dhcp is much simpler for client
application only machines.

So first, did the '/etc/init.d/networking restart' have any affect?
If not then what does 'lspci' say?


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