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Apache VHOST Problem


I’m using apache 2.0, i have few website hosted on only two IP address,

My problem is :

I have Bind on my puter, who deliver the local dns of my local network, and i have apache 2.0.

I have set up my apache, and it work fine, just now, where it’s shuting up ! I don’t know why, but when i try to use my browser, on another puter, and another OS (Windows XP here), i can access to ALL local dns, but no one internet dns, i explain :

http://my.name.dns.local on the browser display the right page, BUT

http://www.name.com isn’t displayed on the right directory,

each of my VHOST local have one unique directory

my.name.dns.local = /var/www/html/my.name

my1.name.dns.local = /var/www/html/my1.name

my2.name.dns.local = /var/www/html/my2.name


and for the internet domain, is the same thing :

www.name.com = /var/www/html/name.com

www.name2.com = /var/www/html/name2.com

www.name3.com = /var/www/html/name3.com


So, my question is, WHY when i try to access to www.name.com i have the displayed page from the directory of my.name.dns.local

I’m on Woody Debian, my VHOST are using this syntax :



ServerName my.name.dns.local

ServerAlias my.name.dns.local *.my.name.dns.local

DocumentRoot /var/www/html/my.name

ErrorLog logs/my.name.dns.local-error_log

CustomLog logs/my.name.dns.local-access_log common

ServerAdmin webmaster@my.name.dns.local



<VirtualHost IP.ADDRESS.OUT.WEB:80>

ServerName name.com

ServerAlias name.com *.name.com

DocumentRoot /var/www/html/name.com

ErrorLog logs/name.com-error_log

CustomLog logs/name.com-access_log common

ServerAdmin webmaster@name.com



If someone can help me, i realy appreciate !


Thanks in advance.


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