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Re: migrating /home to a new partition

On Thu, 13 Nov 2003 17:10:19 +0000
ben <ben_foley@web.de> wrote:

> anyone know how to safely migrate /home to a new partition? i've
> googled and checked the archives but can't find appropriate info.
> all clues gratefully appreciated.
> ben

Howdy Ben,

The easiest way I've found is to create and mke2fs the partition first,
then boot off of a boot floppy or bootable cd (provided you're not going
to be using parted or similar software to shrink an existing partition
before creating the new partition).

After booting from the floppy or cd, copy /home to the new partition
using something like "cp -a /home /new-home" (-a is very important, as
it's the archive flag, and will tell cp not to follow symbolic links,
but simply copy them as they are, maintain permissions, etc.).

If the copy's successful (browse your directories, run du -hs on /home
and /new_home, if home is currently on it's own partition, you can also
check space used with df, etc. Once you're satisfied that everything's
on /new_home, "rm -r /home" (Note: there's no turning back after you
enter that command... double and triple check that things are like you
want before you delete the old /home), then mkdir /home (this will be
the new mount point for the home partition.

Edit /etc/fstab to reflect the new partition for home and you should be
ready to reboot. (If you don't edit /etc/fstab, it won't know where to
find the /home directory and you'll notice that any user other than root
has trouble logging in.)

It can also be done without using a boot floppy/cd, but it's a lot
harder because you are deleting files that might be in use currently for
any users that are logged in, etc. The use of a boot floppy/cd is
strongly recommended!


P.S. Please start a new thread when you're starting a new subject,
rather than replying to an existing thread. I've done it for you for
this thread.

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