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Re: Night mare to set day light savings time

Jigga Man said on Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 01:30:02PM -0800:
> I am pretty much a new user to debian linux and i have
> a problem setting the correct time on my system. My
> hardware clock is set to GMT and when i installed
> debian i chose the time zone correctly. only thing  is
> that we follow daylight savings time and now my clock
> ( which shows up on the panel) is off by an hour. I
> trired to look up help and found that i had an option
> of using ntpdate which would query some server using
> the internet and set the time. The problem is that
> this PC is not allowed to go to the internet. and from
> what i understand there is no way that debian has the
> functionlity to incorporate daylight savings time ??
> Its seems like a night mare to be for the simple
> reason that windows has this capability built into it
> and debian being far better than windows lacks such a
> basic thing?? are there any apps are written to over
> come this ?
> desperately looking for an answer

Check that the following things are true:

In /etc/default/rcS:


In /etc/timezone:

Whatever your timezone is.  In my case, it's US/Pacific.  You can find all of
the time zone files in /usr/share/zoneinfo.

ls -l /etc/localtime

should point to the zoneinfo file for your timezone:

]$ ls -l /etc/localtime 
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           30 May 13  2003 /etc/localtime -> /usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Pacific

If _all_ of those things are true, then run date.

The output of date should have the correct timezone (Daylight vs. Standard).
In my case, date says:

Wed Nov 12 14:26:51 PST 2003

which has the correct timezone.

If (and only if), the correct timezone is showing, you should then, as root,
use date --set to set the OS clock to the current, local, time.  Once you have
done that, your hardware clock will be set correctly on shutdown.

ntpdate simply makes the last step automatic.


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