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Noisy mount

I have a cron based backup script that mounts an smbfs share in order to 
backup a windows machine.

Each morning in my mail I get the following load of diagnostics from what 
appears to be the basic mount commant

opts: ro
opts: noexec
opts: nosuid
opts: nodev
opts: noauto
opts: users
opts: uid=34
opts: credentials=/etc/smbfs/backup
passthrough options 'noexec,nosuid,nodev,noauto,users'
mount.smbfs started (version 3.0.0-Debian)
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
resolve_hosts: Attempting host lookup for name pooh<0x20>
Connecting to at port 445
error connecting to (Connection refused)
Connecting to at port 139

Thats from a script that does

mount //pooh/backup 2>/dev/null || exit 0

and a /etc/fstab entry of

//pooh/backup   /bak/pooh/mnt   smbfs   
ro,users,noauto,uid=backup,credentials=/etc/smbfs/backup 0 0

Is there anyway to tell mount.smbfs to shut up and be quiet????

Alan Chandler

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