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Re: Problems installing Zope/Plone

Still having trouble running zope. Here's what I've done:

apt-get install plone (which installs zope)
zopectl init default
zopectl access default (and answered prompts, including creating a user)
zopectl pcgi default
cp /usr/lib/zope/Zope.cgi /usr/lib/cgi-bin

Followed instructions on setting mod rewrite in README.Debian).

This got me to the point where zopectl start didn't report errors. But when I went 
to http://host/cgi-bin/Zope.cgi/manage, it didn't work. So I looked around and 
edited /etc/zopectl/default.conf, adding the line:

PCGI-Resource-File: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/Zope.cgi

Since it was looking somewhere else (which I saw in ps aux).

This gets it so that it seems to be running. When I go to the Web page, it asks me 
for a username/password. The problem is, the one that I set when running zopectl 
access default doesn't work.  So I tried running:

/usr/lib/zope/zpassword.py ---username=user --password=password \

This doesn't seem to have an effect.

Any suggestions?



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