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Re: Nvidia video card not recognized

John Yurcik wrote:
Hello, I believe that the headers and kernel are the
same yet the nvidia driver installer doesn't see it
that way. The error message from the installer(which
is posted in this thread basically says the headers
are not correct for the kernel) Is there anything I
can do to get this card recognized? Running Debian stable on 1GHZ Athlon.

1. Download and install the kernel-source package that corresponds to the kernel version you're running. 2. Unbzip the bzip file that appears in /usr/src (something like kernel-source-2.4.whatever.tar.bz2). 3. make a symbolic link to the resulting directory called /usr/src/linux (eg ln -s /usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.22 /usr/src/linux).
4. copy /boot/config-<kernelversion> to /usr/src/linux/.config
5. do a make menuconfig or make oldconfig.

This should be enough to generate the headers; if not you might try compiling the kernel as well:

6. apt-get install kernel-package
7. cd /usr/src/linux
8. make-kpkg kernel-image --initrd

And if you want to install the kernel you just built:

9. cd /usr/src
10. dpkg -i kernel-image-<version>.deb

Hope this helps.



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