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Re: Gnu pgp

andun@mjaau.com <andun@mjaau.com> said,
> Hi!
> I've been wondering how GNU PGP(encrypted mail) is, and also if it works
> good with a fetchmail, procmail, spamassassin, mutt based e-mail
> system...

Yeah, I use that combination, although I don't actually have GPG set
up at the moment (just switched to Debian a few weeks ago!). Nobody I
know really USES GPG, so I can't really encrypt anything. I find that
I don't really need that kind of security for the types of things that
I normally send people e-mails about.

However, when I did have GPG working, it worked just fine. The only
real issue (and this IS annoying) is that Outlook clients don't handle
MIME types properly, and your encrypted messages will appear as
attachments to them, unless you use the old-style inline text
encryption (which seems to bother people with sensible clients, e.g.

Now, I've never been one to bend over backwards to satisfy the
majority (especially when they're the Outlook-using majority), but
even signing messages in the proper way caused this attachment
business and it became too difficult to explain to everyone how much
they need to abandon their e-mail system and use something "sensible".

You'd be surprised how many people think Outlook is sensible.

But you can definitely set up all the key bindings in mutt to make
working with GPG relatively easy, and I've never had any issues with
procmail or spamassassin.

Hope that helps.

> Can anyone tell me?
> -- 
> Kjetil ?rbekk <andun@mjaau.com>
> HTML messages won't be read.
> Outlook Users: Please remove my entry in you adressbook.
> All mail clients suck. This one sucks less - www.mutt.org
> -- 
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Aaron Bieber
Graphic Design // Web Design

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