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Re: vim and french accents

On Tue, Sep 30, 2003 at 12:07:52PM -0400, Luc Lefebvre wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been using vim on woody without any trouble <doing control-k ^
> e gives the circonflexe accent on the e for example>.  I now also have
> Libranet installed on another machine and even though I copied over my
> .vimrc and set LANG and LC_ALL to "C" in both cases I can't get all of
> the accents to work <interestingly the c cedille and e accent aigu
> work as they do on woody>.
> Any clues as to where I should look, typing locale gives the same
> result in both cases...

For reasons I have not investigated (and seem wrong to me) some of the
diagraphs have changed.

Use '!' instead of '`' for a grave accent.
Use '>' instead of '^' for a circonflex. 

The others are still sensible.

BTW, isn't that (control-k letter accent) rather than (control-k accent

"From earliest childhood to extreme old age, life is a long
 apprenticeship. We learn to walk by repeated falls; we learn by
 hard and repeated experiences to avoid heat, cold, hunger, thirst,
 excesses. We complain that experience is a hard teacher; but if it
 were not, we should never learn anything.
 The same is true of the moral order. The awful consequences of
 cruelty, injustice, terror, violence, fraud, and idleness, are
 what teach us to be kind, just, brave, temperate, honest, and
 industrious. Experience takes a long time; it will, indeed, always
 be at work but it is effective.
 Since such is man's nature, it is impossible not to recognize in
 responsibility the mainspring of social progress. It is the
 crucible of experience." -- Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850)
    Rick Pasotto    rick@niof.net    http://www.niof.net

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