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Re: S.M.A.R.T. messages - what do they mean

On Wednesday 24 September 2003 22:42, René Seindal wrote:
> I just got these messages from smartmontools on my laptop.  I checked
> the logs because the disk make a weird sound.
> Device: /dev/hda, Failed SMART usage Attribute: 193 Load_Cycle_Count.

This one might actually be harmless if you always got it and get it a lot. It 
probably just means that your drive doesn't provide that information.

> Device: /dev/hda, SMART Usage Attribute: 191 G-Sense_Error_Rate changed
> from 99 to 98

This one might be more serious. But from what I've seen at
(translations anyone?), it has to do with G-forces (as in acceleration) 
exerted on the drive, and if you didn't drop it it shouldn't be of much 

> What do these messages mean and do I need to buy a new harddisk?

In any case, have a look at smartctl and its documentation. Get the logged 
information and see if any of the parameters is out of bounds. If so, 
double-check that your drive is not transmitting the data backwards (some 
Samsung drives do which lead to an error count >300,000 on one of my drives). 
Many manufacturers also offer proprietary tools that work from a bootfloppy 
and know what the drive is talking about.

There's some more information at
but it's rather incomplete due to the industry's usual "don't tell" attitude.

Most important: DON'T PANIC. There's a strong tendency on this list to send 
people shopping as soon as there's any message in the logs concerning 
harddrives; take those with a large grain of salt unless a proper explanation 
is offered.

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