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Re: command line workspace switch

Neo <netman1@home.nl> writes:

> anybody know of a way to switch workspaces in gnome/ any
> windowmanager? (on Debian of course ;-) )
> Background: I want a central monitoring station in a 24x7 monitoring
> environment to cycle automatically through each workspace which each
> contains a monitoring app.

If I was going to do this sort of thing, I'd abandon "the normal GNOME
stuff", and probably even forego a window manager.  Then, I'd look
into using nawm to show and hide (in X terminology, "map" and "unmap")
each window in turn.  Something like this (untested):

  HOSTS="host1 host2 host3 host4"
  for host in $HOSTS; do
    ssh -nfX $host xload -title '$host load' -geometry 1024x768
  for host in $HOSTS; do
    nawm -e"unmap \"$host\";"
  while true; do
    for host in $HOSTS; do
      nawm -e"map \"$host\";"
      sleep 5
      nawm -e"unmap \"$host\";"

(If you were truly motivated, you could even do this all within nawm,
but the sh script is probably slightly less arcane.  :-)

David Maze         dmaze@debian.org      http://people.debian.org/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
	-- Abra Mitchell

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