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Re: Pinning question

On Mon, 15 Sep 2003 22:23:46 -0400, you wrote:

>> Package: *
>> Pin: release potato
>> Pin-Priority: 800
>> Package: *
>> Pin: release woody
>> Pin-Priority: 200
>When I read the man pages for apt_preferences, the format is Pin: 
>release a=stable, not pin: release woody. Maybe this will help.
>         ^^ note
>potato is still in the 'dists' list of 'ftp.us.debian.org/debian' so I 
>would guess using "Pin: release a=potato" would work?

I indeed tried this at first after seeing hundreds of web pages
explaining how, before reading the man page fully; according to the
man page:

Selection  by  release  is  more  complicated  and has three forms.
The primary purpose of release selections is to identify a set of
packages  that  match  a  specific  vendor,  or release (ie Debian

The first two forms are shortcuts intended for quick command line use.

"""If the first character of the specification is a digit then it is
considered to be  a release  version  match,  otherwise  a  release
label match."""

"""Specifications which contain equals are full release data matches
and are a comma seperated list  of  one  letter  keys followed by an
equals then by the string."""


"""The  data  for these matches are taken from the Release files that
APT downloads during an update."""

Here is a the release file for the 'main' section of 'woody' on my

$ cat
     Archive: stable
     Version: 3.0r1a
     Component: main
     Origin: Debian
     Label: Debian
     Architecture: i386

Here is the release file for the 'main' section of 'potato' on my

$ cat

     Archive: stable
     Version: 2.2r7
     Component: main
     Origin: Debian
     Label: Debian
     Architecture: i386

The man page says the data for these matches are taken from the
release file.  I commonly see 'release a=stable', release a=unstable',
used with pinning, so I assume 'a=' refers to the 'Archive:' field in
the release file.

That explains why I couldn't match on 'a=woody' for example.   Since
both woody and potato are considered 'stable', I can't use 'a=' to
differentiate between them, as 'a=stable' would match both dists.

However, I should be able to match based on the 'Version:' field,
which is still different between releases.  Indeed, at the end of
there is an example including version numbers:

	Package: *
	Pin: release v=2.2*,a=stable,c=main,o=Debian,l=Debian
	Pin-Priority: 1001

I'm still not sure why my setup doesn't work:

>> Package: *
>> Pin: release v=2.2*
>> Pin-Priority: 800
>> Package: *
>> Pin: release v=3.0*
>> Pin-Priority: 200

I must be something extremely simple that I'm missing, anybody else???

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