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Re: Mozilla fonts

On Sat, 2003-09-13 at 19:20, Jan Willem Stumpel wrote:
> The newer mozillas, e.g. Sid's mozilla-snapshot, have 'default'
> fonts which I rather like (of course, 'there is no accounting for
> tastes'). In the Preferences menu, the serif font is just called
> 'serif', the monospace font is called 'monospace'.
> I found that (at least on my system) these are in reality all
> Bitstream Vera fonts. My first question is: is this something
> determined by Mozilla, or is it specific to my system because I
> somehow (unwittingly) set it up this way? Anyway, I rather like
> these fonts and would like to use them also for printing.

Turns out that Mozilla and a bunch of other GNOME/GTK2 apps use fonts
that are configured via some fontconfig. (I don't know much about it.) 
fc-list reports fonts that are available through fontconfig.
Ensure that the path where you installed the fonts are listed in
Also, KDE apps take fonts from ~/.kde/share/fonts

I wish someone could elaborate on the mystery of fonts.

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