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Roadrunner dial-up problem.

/quote: I am trying to dial into RoadRunner dialup service.
They unfortunately only support Windows and won't help me with Linux.
My Thinkpad WinModem is working fine and I have tested it
by dialing up to other dialup ISP accounts./unquote.

Hello Andy,

Yes I had exactly the same problem with my ISP.
I sent them an email to the general effect that by refusing to support 
anything but windows applications they were dictating what their client base 
were permitted to have on their machines, besides adding to the market 
domination of an already over bloated monopoly. And by doing so, they were in 
all probability acting illegally.
IANAL, but it did the trick.
I received back what amounted to a three month free membership.
You are the market. They give you what you want, not the other way round.
If they don't, the web provides a massive audience, and you have the power to 
harm their future business in a very real way.
You can provide the proof of your personal integrity in the situation right 
from the sent file of your mail client. Email has had the same legal standing 
(court admissable evidence) as fax, in all of the westernised countries for 
some considerable years now.


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