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Is there a problem with kernel 2.4.20 and internet connections?

I'm asking because my system was running fine before.  The one in
question is running Testing with 2.4.20.  It was sitting behind a
Woody box running ipchains and squid and everything worked fine.  I
bought a Netgear router and changed everything to use DHCP and connect
through the router instead of through the Woody box.

There are 4 computers running behind the Netgear router now.  Two XP
one Woody and the Testing box.  Everything works fine except for the
computer I run Debian Testing on.  

The problem:  ping works inside and out to the internet.  Traceroute
works.  Dig works.  Internal connections (HTTP, FTP, SSH) work.
Outside connections using Browsers, ftp or anything else like AIM will
not connect.

I booted into 2.4.19 temporarily and I could connect.  2.4.20 will
not.  I've heard rumors that there is a problem with the kernels
causing this but I cannot find anything in the archives.

Right now I'm recompiling the kernel and have changed a few settings
but I'm not sure what may be causing this.

Any help would be appreciated.

As a computer, I find your faith in technology amusing.

B. L. Jilek        |      GPG keys on my website -->      | Linux user: 163800
<bljilek@yahoo.com>| http://crowbyte.dnsalias.com/~tcrow/ | ICQ: 83785391
                   |          Key ID: 0xB1E2766B          | Yahoo: bljilek

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