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Re: mutt tips

On Tue, Sep 09, 2003 at 01:23:49PM -0500, Alex Malinovich wrote:
> 1) How can I set the default folder for mutt to use at startup? I've
> used "set folder="imap://..."" in my .muttrc, but this still requires
> me to do a c, =, <enter> when I start up mutt. I'd like my IMAP folder
> to automatically load up as soon as I start up mutt.

== .muttrc ==
set spoolfile="=INBOX"

> 2) Is there any way to have mutt pass options to emacs when invoking
> my EDITOR? I'd like to automatically be in mail-mode with auto-fill
> enabled whenever emacs is called from mutt. (if anyone has suggestions
> for better modes to use, please do tell me) Is there a way of having
> mutt tell this to emacs?

== .muttrc ==
set editor="emacsclient"

== .emacs ==
;; Setup to use mail mode on files from mutt. From Walt Mankowski.
;; from Dave Pearson:
(defalias 'muttrc-mode 'sh-mode)

;; Automatically go into mail-mode if filename starts with /tmp/mutt
(setq auto-mode-alist (append (list (cons "^\/tmp\/mutt" 'mail-mode))

(defun my-mail-mode-hook ()
  (auto-fill-mode 1)
(add-hook 'mail-mode-hook 'my-mail-mode-hook)
;; End setup to use mail mode on files from mutt.

> 3) I've set up all of my debian mailing lists in my .muttrc using
> 'subscribed'. Replying to a list using L works great. What I'm looking
> for now is some address book functionality. I'm pretty sure that I can
> set up aliases for quickly addressing messages, but what about storing
> extended info about contacts?

# aptitude install lbdb

> 4) From looking at my messages on the waiting to be sent screen, it
> doesn't look like my From: line is being filled in at all. I'm sure I
> can set it up in my .muttrc to be whatever I want, but shouldn't it
> default to something intelligent like: 
> Real Name (per /etc/passwd) <email@something.com>

	Mutt should auto-generate this.  However, you may choose to
create your own From lines.

== .muttrc ==
set use_from="no"
my_hdr From: Simon Law <sfllaw@nit.ca>

	Good luck.


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