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Re: Pipping the output of bash completion; command line navigation

Josh Rehman wrote:

I was wondering if it is possible to grep through the output of bash command line completion. If you type "k" and then tab twice, you'll be asked to show all 398,499 entries on your path, y or n. Hit y and a big list comes up. Seems like it would be nice to search through that list, but there is no obvious way to pipe it to anything (like grep).

'script' lets you log complete sessions to a file.

You could to something like (Sorry for the german output):

stw@sarge:~$ script
Script wurde gestartet, die Datei ist typescript
stw@sarge:~$ k<TAB><TAB>
Display all 162 possibilities? (y or n) y
stw@sarge:~$ exit
Script wurde beendet, die Datei ist typescript
stw@sarge:~$ less typescript



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