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Re: fluxbox "tab" titles [mostly solved]

On Mon, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:33:33PM -0400, Emma Jane Hogbin wrote:
> Does anyone know if it's possible to customize what fluxbox's tabs say?

Thanks to Nathan for the following URL:

I've customized it to the following to get (approximately) what I'd like.
It's so close that I'll call it a success and stop procrastinating. ;)

# Script to set title of terminal window
if [ "$TERM" = "Eterm" ]
   label ()  { /bin/echo "^[]2;$*^G"; }
   alias stripe='label ${PWD#$HOME/}'  
   alias stripe2='label $*'

   cds () { 
      if [ -z "$1" ]
       "cd" $* 
      eval stripe; 

   vistripe () { eval stripe2; "vi" $*; }
   viistripe () { eval stripe2; "vi -c \":set textwidth=0\"" $*; }
   alias cd=cds
   alias vii=viistripe
   alias vi=vistripe

   alias vii="vi -c ':set textwidth=0'"
fi # end of the check for Eterm

Emma Jane Hogbin
[[ 416 417 2868 ][ www.xtrinsic.com ]]

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