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Re: Newbie Hardware/Partitioning

I've had ext2 running on massive partitions in the region of 60GB upwards. Only thing with ext2 is that if the system doesn't shutdown correctly it will scan the drives for errors on the re-boot which can take AGES with larger partitions.

You can easily (and in my own experience safely) convert ext2 filesystem into an ext3 system with journaling. I have done this on a system with 3 hard drives that are all 100GB+ and it saves an emense amount of time in the rare occasion I have had a crash (dodgy USB equipment!!).

The procedure I use is as follows (example is for the first partition on the second hard drive of IDE channel 1):

1) Unmount the partition you are going to convert

umount /dev/hdb1

2) Use tune2fs to add a journaling

tune2fs -j /dev/hdb1

3) Turn of the automatic counting and checking for fsck

tune2fs -i 0 -c 0 /dev/hdb1

4) Edit /etc/fstab file to reflect the changes (use ext3 or auto for the fs type)

/dev/hdb1    /opt/archive       ext3    defaults        0    2

5) Remount the partition

mount /dev/hdb1

This procedure was discussed on debianplanet, but that is not available at present. I am sure there is a howto if you need more information.


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