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Re: Stripped down versions of software

On Mon, 25 Aug 2003, Piers Kittel wrote:
> I'm installing debian on a 486 laptop, and want to use it for X, IRC, www and
> email, so which window manager is best to use for the 100MHz laptop with 20mb
> RAM, and which IRC, WWW and email clients would also be good to use here?

First of all, google for what type of memory your laptop can take and 
how much it can take, then hit ebay.  Trust me - X is greedy.  If you 
can get 64M or 96M you'll be happier then with 16M.


Window Manager:  fluxbox, blackbox, openbox, fvwm, ratpoison
	(ratpoison is an interesting window manager since it is very 
	minimal and maximizes each window - I find it useful for 640x480 
	resolutions, but at 800x600, lines get too long in terminals for 
	my tastes)

	A quick search of apt-cache also shows:
		aewm and aewm++, icewm-lite, and sapphire

IRC:	I like irssi-text, but for true minimalism, look at tinyirc 

WWW:	For graphical websites, I like galeon, but it is memory greedy 
	(and will load gtk libraries).  Dillo is probably a better

	For non-graphical, check out w3m or lynx.

Mail:	I love mutt, but it can be a tad slow, especially for large 
	maildirs.  However, the binary is only half a meg.  There is
	also (non-free but free as in beer) pine.

Also, check out `ash' as a substitute for bash if you aren't using 
bash's features.  `rxvt' uses less memory then xterm, and `screen' is a
heck of a program.  If you are interested in IM programs, either 
check out `bitlbee' (see my sig for details) or `centericq' for terminal 
based IM clients.

Btw, by sticking to a lot of command line apps and trying to get things
done, you'll have a good opertunity to pick up the basics of linux/unix

~ Jesse Meyer
Nifty linux apps:                          
  bitlbee   : use your favorite IRC client to interface with aim, icq, msn
              messenger and yim (www.lintux.cx/bitlbee.html)
  unclutter : hide your X cursor!  (debian package)
   ====  icq: 34583382    msn: dasunt@hotmail.com    yim: tsunad  ====

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