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Re: Permissions on a vfat partition

 --- Rich B <deblists@osg.saic.com> escribió: > All,
> I've got a dual boot laptop with Sarge & Win2k.
> My problem is that when I mount the fat32 partition only root can access 
> it.  Any other user account gets "Permission denied"  when trying to 
> access anything on the partition. I can't even do an "ls" as a normal user.
> My fstab entry currently looks something like this:
>      /dev/hda4     /fat     vfat     defaults     1 0
> I've tried every combination mount options I could think of, but still 
> only root can use the partition.
> What am I doing wrong?  Help!

You are not telling it who owns all the files.  FAT has no concept of users,
groups, or other attributes (aside from RW and RO).  You must specify the UID
or GID (uding gid=xxxx) you want assigned to all files on the file system when
it is mounted.

/dev/hda7       /mnt/d          vfat    rw,user,uid=1000,noexec 0       0


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