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Re: Text editors, and email clients won't word wrap.

topsoil@mail.com wrote:

Ok. This is a really old problem for me, and its been one i haven't been able to solve since the beginning of this year when i started using RH 9.

Have you had success using the same versions of these programs on other distributions (Like RH 7 or 8) and this just started after using RH9?

Are you using the same home directory in Debian/unstable that you were using in RH9?

If you are, make a new user account and try the 'problem' programs from that account. /etc won't be the same from RH to Debian unless you did some kind of twisted install or copy of config files so that's 'clean'.

The problem:

The email clients/editors (Kedit, Gedit, Kmail, Evolution, Mozilla Thunderbird) just will not word wrap for me. The word wrap option on these clients is enabled, but they still won't do it. In other words, if i compose a email in them, the line keeps going on forever without indenting automatically. I have tried many things, like using 'Normal' in Evolution, etc, nothing has worked. Whats weird is that when i went to debian sid from RH a month ago, the same thing happens. Its like i am cursed.

Have you tried the mozilla-mailnews package in unstable?

I'm using that for this email. I have the composition preference set to wrap plain text messages at 72 columns. Then I make sure the format for the email is set to plain text only. It seems to do just what I expect. Email is sent with the text wrapped at 72 columns and Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed. The format=flowed makes the 72 column wrapped text fill the whole screen when I read the message. If it works for you and the 'problem' programs still dont in the new user account, I'd guess they are the problem, not the system.

So please, has anyone experienced this or am i the only one? Is there a system wide setting that controls this word wraping behavior?

I don't think there is a system wide setting. I'll be impressed when someone shows me I'm wrong and that all these mail programs agreed on looking in one place to know what column to wrap text at, or to not wrap text at all.

The apps that wrap for me are: Kate, Kwrite, and sylpheed-claws.

If there was a universal place, I guess these guys don't know or care about it.

I had submitted this problem on the newsgroups and they said something about a duplicate 'rc' file which i never found:


Give Mozilla 1.4's mail a go from the mozilla-mailnews package. I don't have thunderbird installed so I don't know if there's a conflict between the two or not.

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