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Re: Named Pipes

On Sat, Aug 16, 2003 at 06:24:09AM -0700, moseley@hank.org wrote:
> I wanted to use a named pipe to provide random images.  I know I can use 
> a program in a loop writing to the pipe, but that means starting the 
> program initially (from say a init.d or xdm startup script) where it 
> sits blocked until read from.
> Question:
> Is there a way in Linux to have the action of the reading program 
> opening the pipe (for reading) start up the writing program?
> For example, if output_image.pl is a script that writes an image to a 
> named pipe, is there a way to associate it to a pipe where you can say:
>    $ display some_named_pipe
> and have that action execute the program output_image.pl?
> I'm just wondering if there's a way to avoid starting the writing 
> program.

I think you could do something of the kind by making output_image.pl
provide its output over a network port, and configure inetd to wake up
output_image.pl when it receives a connection to that port. (I've
never tried anything like this, but I know that exim, for example, can
be configured to behave like this.)

Alternatively, you could have your program-in-a-loop method consume
minimal resources by having a tiny little binary that does nothing but
sit and wait for something to read from the pipe, then when something
does, forks another process to actually provide the data.


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