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Re: Need help generating odd crontab line

Kent West wrote:
I need to send out an email reminder via cron to a club I'm a member of. I need the reminder to go out on the Friday morning before the second Monday of every month. I'm a newbie to cron, and would appreciate it if someone would provide me with a crontab line to accomplish this task. Here's what I have so far:

30 11 * * * echo "Just a reminder that the KCARC meeting will be this Monday at 7pm, at the Abilene Public Library, 2nd floor. See you there!" | mail -s "Reminder: Club Meeting" kcarc@yahoogroups.com

How about
<min> <hour> 5-11 * 5 echo "Just a reminder that the KCARC meeting will be this" `date -d 'now + 2 days' '+%A, %d %B'` "at 7pm, at the Abilene Public Library, 2nd floor. See you there!" | mail -s "Reminder: Club Meeting" kcarc@yahoogroups.com?

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