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php and suexec on debian


I'm trying tu use php in cgi mode with suexec.

I had no problem with this setup previously, as I used to compile apache
myself, so I could specify whichever path I want for docroot and userdir.

I used to specify --suexec-userdir=cgi-bin, and to put a php binary in a
$HOME/cgi-bin directory for each user, and each virtualhost had the
following configuration:

user foo
group foo
DocumentRoot <home>/www
Servername blabla
errorlog blabla
customlog blabla combined
AddType application/my-x-httpd-php .php
Action  application/my-x-httpd-php /cgi-php/php
ScriptAlias /cgi-php <home>/cgi-bin

I took a quick look on the debian/rule file of the apache source
package, and saw that userdir was "public-html". docroot was /var/www,
but as I intended to use the userdir, I did not bother.

So, I replaced cgi-bin by public_html, but the suexec log keeps telling
me that php is outside the docroot. But when I use the userdir, I don't
rely upon the docroot, Or do I ?

I Also tried to specify a directory inside the docroot (say,
/var/www/foo_cgi-bin), but the I have no error with suexec, but php
return a parse error on the binary (!).

I'd really appreciate if someone with a little experience with suexec on
debian could tell me what I messed up.

Best regards,

PS: Sorry for debian-user-french readers who might have seen this mail
in french before... ;)

Clément Hermann --------------------|----------------------|
Administrateur systèmes et réseaux  | +33 (0)4-76-44-50-50 |
Business & Decision.Eolas           | http://www.eolas.fr  |

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