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Running processes unniced as a normal user.

I was hoping there was an easy unix(debian,posix) way of doing this.  Running processes unniced as
a normal user.  AFAIN I need to be suid0 for this, but I can't find any examples in yahoo.

The problem is that I'm using ANDeamon that puts gkrellm at 15(nice:), this is what I like.  What
I don't like is an exec xmms from the niced gkrellm.  This causes xmms to be unusable(as exec
keeps the nice), it must be not nice and RTS even.  A nice value of 0 is needed for xmms ALL WAYS.
 Thankfully you also need to be in group audio to use xmms, so I don't mind uses in that group to
initially run xmms suid0.

Problem 1: I can't just use a shell script suid0 to renice and drop privs.  I'm told this is
wrong, I have no reason to question this.
Problem 2: There is no util currently available that I know of that deals with this.  su, nice,
renice, and the like don't touch it.  Non of them have a config like sudo saying who and when can
nice what.
Problem 3: I could not find any example of sudo doing this.

Caveats: I only wont to be nice 0, that's all.

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