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Current status of Large File Support

Hello all,

First, thanks for a great digest and many helpful responses.   Because of you this is the first time I've run into a brick wall that I can't work my own way round.


G4U (cloning utility) is being used to clone our Windoze boxes to a Linux server running dhcp and wu-ftp 2.6.2.  However several of the files are >=2Gb.   Reading around I find that there is a limit on filesizes dependent on FS (in this case 32bit addressing leads to a 2Gb file limit).

Now I've got Woody installed (kernel = 2.2.20) and a couple of possibilities occur to me.

1)   The limit is because of the base OS.   How can I check if LFS is enabled?   If it's not how do I add it (pointers to how-to's is acceptable).
2)   Alternatively LFS is enabled for the OS but the tools are not compliant (I believe you need an upgraded version of glibc if nothing else.  Is there an easy way to upgrade wu-ftp to support files >=2Gb or alternatively is there an ftp deamon available which has LFS by default.
3)   Knowing my luck the problem will be a combination of both 1) and 2)!

Thanks in advance for your help.


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