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can't configure authentication in exim

Hi all!

I'm trying to configure exim 3.35 as relying to a outgoing smarthost which
uses PLAIN AUTH. Lines from /etc/exim/exim.conf (transport, router and
client authentication respectively):
# This transport is used for delivering messages over SMTP connections.

  driver = smtp
# authenticate_hosts = smarthost.isp.com
  authenticate_hosts = correu.upc.es

# Send all mail to a smarthost

  driver = domainlist
  transport = remote_smtp
  route_list = "* correu.upc.es bydns_a"

  driver = plaintext
  public_name = LOGIN
  client_send = ": francesc oller : my_passwd"

While I can send mail manually via telnet, sending commands AUTH LOGIN,
base64("francesc oller") and base64("my_passwd"), exim fails to deliver
with an 505 Authentication required error. Lines from /var/log/exim/

2003-07-21 19:19:30 19eeJu-0000Ph-00 <= francesc.oller@upc.es U=francesc
P=local S=325 T="a correu"
2003-07-21 19:19:31 19eeJu-0000Ph-00 ** francesc@entel.upc.es R=smarthost
T=remote_smtp: SMTP error from remote mailer after MAIL
FROM:<francesc.oller@upc.es> SIZE=1358: host ackerman.upcnetadm.upcnet.
[]: 505 Authentication required
2003-07-21 19:19:32 19eeJw-0000Pm-00 <= <> R=19eeJu-0000Ph-00 U=mail P=local
S=1252 T="Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender"
2003-07-21 19:19:32 19eeJu-0000Ph-00 Error message sent to
francesc.oller@upc.es2003-07-21 19:19:32 19eeJu-0000Ph-00 Completed
2003-07-21 19:19:33 19eeJw-0000Pm-00 ** francesc.oller@upc.es R=smarthost T=remote_smtp: SMTP error from remote mailer after MAIL FROM:<> SIZE=2308:
host ackerman.upcnetadm.upcnet.es []: 505 Authentication

It seems as if either exim doesn't first authenticate to server (but
authenticate_hosts = correu.upc.es is set) or authentication code isn't
built in, but exim -bP authenticators says:

login authenticator:
driver = plaintext
public_name = LOGIN
server_mail_auth_condition =
server_set_id =
client_send = : francesc oller : my_passwd
server_condition =
server_prompts =

Sadly to say M$ OutLook Express sends mail well, provided "authenticate when sending" box is checked

Any clues?

Francesc Oller

Please CC your answers to francesc.oller@upc.es. Thanks.

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