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Re: Hercules 9800 Pro and XFree under unstable.

Rus Hughes wrote:


I'm trying to get a Hercules Radeon 9800 Pro running with XFree86
(version 4.2.1) in Debian Unstable. After reading the readmes, I turned
the fglrx-glc22-4.2.0-2.9.13.i586.rpm into a deb with alien and
installed it. I rolled my own kernel (2.5.73), and tried to build the
FireGL kernel modules which failed (make.log at end of text). As these
modules shouldn't be necessary for the card to work minimally I carried
on. I ran fglrxconfig to configure the XFree86-4. Now when I run
'startx' all that happens is I get a black screen which stays there
until I hit ctrl-F1 which drops me back to the shell.

I don't know why the FireGL module isn't compiling, make.log looks like
there is a syntax error in the code? But from looking at the
XFree86.0.log (included later) it looks like my card fails with the DRI
(because I don't have the FireGL module?) so I remmed out the DRI line,
and the only other error I can see is that my card is a 'third party
card'. As mentioned, it's the Hercules 9800 Pro, which is an ATI card is
it not? *confused*

Anyway, included is my make.log from the FireGL modules, the
XFree86.0.log and my XF86Config-4. I hope I have supplied enough
information, thanks for the help!


I just got a Tyan Radeon 9700 Pro (and an Intel 875 mainboard) working in unstable with kernel

After installing the .deb you should cd into /lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/ and edit the file make.sh.

You should see something like:

# assing default location of linux kernel headers
# *** adapt to your individual setup if needed ***
#linuxincludes=/usr/include    # no config info present!

Change the uncommented line to include where your kernel resides, as in my case: linuxincludes=/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.21/include

Now run the script, it should compile the modules, then it should tell you to go to /lib/modules/fglrx/ and run the last script make_install.sh. Make sure you have agpgart module already loaded, as this script will try to install and load the firegl modules for you.

The your going to run fglrxconfig and the output I got was:

This program will create the ATI "XF86Config-4" file
- based on your selections - for the below listed boardtypes...

        - ATI Radeon 8500 / 9100
        - ATI FireGL 8700 / 8800
        - ATI FireGL E1
        - ATI Radeon 9000
        - ATI Radeon 9200
        - ATI Radeon 9500
        - ATI Radeon 9600
        - ATI Radeon 9700
        - ATI Radeon 9800  <<< Should work with your card
        - ATI FireGL Z1 / X1

The "XF86Config-4" file usually resides in /etc/X11.

Press [Enter] to continue, or [Ctrl]+'c' to abort. "

So your card should be supported. By the way, I'm using the Fire GL driver drom ATI's website, After selecting Drivers and Software, click on FireGl > Linux > Fire GL Z1, should be a driver rpm dated March 28 2003. You need to use this driver. It lets you use boards other than original ATI, i.e. Tyan, Sapphire, Hercules.

Please let let me know if this works for you, if you have any issues, try kernel 2.4.21

Hope this helps.


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