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X lockups

I'm running unstable on a 1GHZ Athlon with 768 MB RAM. About 3 months ago,
my GeForce2 card died and I replaced it with a GeForce4 MX. In the past
month or so, I have noticed that at random intervals, X will lock up, kick
me out, and xdm will restart. This morning, I sat down and tried to get
into it, and it wouldn't bring up the screen. I was able to ssh in from
another box, and found that xfree was running amok:

top - 07:44:38 up 4 days,  9:53,  5 users,  load average: 2.44, 2.18, 1.96
Tasks: 101 total,   3 running,  95 sleeping,   0 stopped,   3 zombie
Cpu(s):  97.7% user,   2.3% system,   0.0% nice,   0.0% idle
Mem:    775552k total,   742560k used,    32992k free,   175400k buffers
Swap:   530104k total,    24800k used,   505304k free,   344668k cached

  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  Command           
  18765 root      20 -10  148m  20m 4208 R 97.8  2.7 257:24.74 XFree86          

I am running unstable on other boxes, and have not seen this problem.

Bradley M. Alexander                |
gTLD SysAdmin, Security Engineer    |   storm [at] tux.org
Key fingerprints:
DSA 0x54434E65: 37F6 BCA6 621D 920C E02E  E3C8 73B2 C019 5443 4E65
RSA 0xC3BCBA91: 3F 0E 26 C1 90 14 AD 0A  C8 9C F0 93 75 A0 01 34
I have a telescope on the peephole in my door so I can see who's at the
door for 200 miles. "Who is it? Who is it gonna be when you get here?"
						--Steven Wright

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