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[OT] (possibly): libglide3 / libGL errors

Dear all,

Not sure if this is a problem with Debian packages or my own programming
blunders.  Please excuse my off-topic post in case this turns out to be
my errors.

I've been playing with GLUT and OpenGL.  I get the following run-time
error message:

libGL error: can't find Glide library, dlopen(libglide3-v5.so) and
   dlopen(libglide3.so) both failed.
libGL error: dlerror() message: /usr/lib/libglide3.so: undefined symbol:

these are two different issues, and both are perplexing.

The first error is odd because libglide3.so exists (it's not a dangling
symlink) in /usr/lib.   Man ld.so says /usr/lib is automatically
searched by dlopen() without needing an entry in /etc/ld.so.conf.  So
how the heck isn't dlopen() finding it?

I'm not sure what to do about the second error.  It sounds like there
might be a missing dependency, but I've checked.  Can this be a problem
with the libglide3-dev package?

The hardware is a Voodoo 5 on Sarge.  If I try to link my program
statically, all hell breaks loose with errors that look like

   undefined reference to `XInternAtom'

This is the makefile showing how I'm building the application:

   CC      = colorgcc
   CFLAGS  = -g -W -Wall -std=c99
   SRCS    = $(wildcard *.c)
   OBJS    = $(patsubst %.c, %.o, $(SRCS))
   PROGS   = $(patsubst %.c, %, $(SRCS))
   LDLIBS  = -lglut
   all: $(PROGS)
   	$(RM) $(PROGS) $(OBJS)

I've scratched my head on this for at least an hour.  Any help greatly


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