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Re: Advice needed : Oracle and Debian Linux

On Sun, Jun 15, 2003 at 12:49:11AM -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:
> Most businesses really don't know what to make of free software.
> Therefore they try to make it fit into their traditional model of
> commercially purchased non-free software.  The concept of buying
> software fits the traditional purchase model.  Red Hat has made a
> business model of selling free software.  It seems to be working for
> them.  Most businesses (non-technical management) equate GNU/Linux
> with Red Hat.  (At least in the US.  In Europe it would probably be
> SuSE.)  Therefore you *will* spend time justifying your Debian
> decision to other people since it is not Red Hat even though Debian is
> a better technical choice.

So, give 'em what they want... Set up a website from which they can
order "Dead Cat Linux" (US) or "Floozy Linux" (Europe) which is a $60
box containing free Debian CDs with Dead Cat / Floozy labels. The tech
support page on the site has a support email address which redirects
to your work email address, and has a search engine to search the
archives of debian-user. Then just pass on the URL to your boss...


Be kind to pigeons
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