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rsyncing local mirror


        I have a 32Gb disk that I use to store non volatile files
        I have a 32Gb disk that I mirror the first one to

        This is done at 3am each morning as a cron job with 

           rsync -Clart --delete /mnt/store/  /mnt/mirror

        I then run;

           du -bs /mnt/store  /mnt/mirror

        Now, I expect the output to be the same for each disk as they
        are now synched, but I dont. On the last occassion I got;

           29521877376      /mnt/store
           29510119424      /mnt/mirror

        Why are they not the same?

___________________________________   _
  Keith O'Connell.                   -o)
  Maidstone, Kent. (UK)              /\\
  kroc@blueyonder.co.uk             _\_v

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