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web hosting setup/admin

I'm setting up a server on which I'll manage 10 or so different, low
traffic websites, all for either friends or small businesses I know.
Each of these sites will have its own domain name and will share one IP
using Apache name-based Virtual Host.  At some later point I may add a
few IP's and then have a mix of named-based and IP-based virtual

With that set up, I'd like to ask for recommendations on what to use
for web mail access for each site.  Each site will need its own email
with web access.  Ideally it would have it's own independent control
panel for mail admin as well.  Is openwebmail the leading candidate for

Ultimately I think I'd like to create a small web hosting service,
complete with a control panel for each site.  Can anyone suggest a good
mix of programs for this (whether debs or not)?

Obviously this is a bit of trying to provide a service for known
friends/associates and also 'learn as you go' web hosting admin.
Fortunately none of the sites are mission critical types.


Kevin Coyner
mailto: kevin@rustybear.com
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