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Re: Local copy of mails in IMAP folder?

On Wed, 4 Jun 2003 09:47:17 +0200
Joerg Johannes <liste_joerg@gmx.de> wrote:

> ...
> This looks good to me. But it gives me errors:
> 67 messages (67 seen) for joerg_johannes at imap.web.de (folder 
> Posteingang).
> skipping message joerg_johannes@imap.web.de:1 (15645 octets) not flushed
> <snipping 66 of the same messages>

The 'keep' option in .fetchmailrc keeps your mail on the server.  The
above message means that since you have already read the mail it will not
be downloaded again or deleted from the server.  Adjust your configuration
to suit you.  

> fetchmail: mailbox selection failed
> fetchmail: client/server synchronization error while fetching from 
> imap.web.de
> fetchmail: Query status=7 (ERROR)

That error means one of your folder entries does not match the foldernames
on the server.  You can get more information by killing any fetchmail
deamon(s) running and run it with verbose output:
$ killall fetchmail
$ fetchmail -v

And of course:
$ man fetchmail
$ man fetchmailrc
are good reading.

Have fun,

 _  _        _                      
| || |   ___| |___   ___  _ __ __ _ 
| || |_ / __| / __| / _ \| '__/ _` |
|__   _| (__| \__ \| (_) | | | (_| |
   |_|  \___|_|___(_)___/|_|  \__, |
 Dan Dofton, Automation Asst. |___/ 
 ddofton@4cls.org (607)723-8236e313

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