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Re: ssh into a webserver on a shared host

Hi Kevin,

> When I generate the publickey on the home box, it generates a key for
> kevin@homebox. I can upload this to the SSH server (host), but
> automatic signin obviously isn't going to happen.
> Anyone been down this path before?

Yup, I routinely do that. Have you actually tried this or are you
contemplating? What does 'ssh -v' tell you?

Create a pair of keys (ssh-keygen -t dsa) without passphrase, copy that
to the host in question with scp (scp .ssh/id_dsa.pub
remoteuser@remotehost:.ssh/lusername), ssh into the host and append the
key (in file .ssh/lusername) to .ssh/authorized_keys2.

On the workstation, edit .ssh/config, add:

host remotehost
     user remoteuser

and you're done. Beware of "StrictModes" at the shared host, btw.

Using the same usernames on both sides is at best convenient, but
probably more trouble than it's worth.

HTH... Nico

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