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Re: about startx

On Tue, May 27, 2003 at 07:12:48AM -0500, Kent West wrote:
> Ah. Are you in the same directory as the sx script? If so, try "./sh".
> If that works, your path no longer has the current directory in it 
> (which is a good thing). You can either add the current directory back 
> to your path (security risk), or get in the habit of typing "./" in 
> front of your command, or move the script to a ~/bin directory, and 
> uncomment the lines in .bashrc/.bash_profile dealing with the ~/bin 
> directory (assuming you're using bash).
> If that doesn't work, try adding a line like "echo script is running" to 
> your script to see if that gets printed to the screen when you run the 
> script.
Well, this script is actually in ~bin/, and I have set the $PATH correct
as I can run other self-write script successfully.
What seems weird is that after I run that script and use 
$ ps -ecl|grep startx
to test, I find the startx is running, but the window doesn't show up.
What else should I test?
Zeng Nan

Simple is Beautiful.

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